The O Show is an award-winning documentary film directed by Sharad Kharè on Orene Askew aka DJ O Show. She identifies as a two-spirited Afro-Indigenous person of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Sqamish) and African heritage. She is a DJ and an equal rights activist. The film won the best documentary awards at the Sqamish Film Festival. She has also just released a music video on You Tube called Status and Clarity
The film follows her life and work and explores who she is and what bring are meaning as a mixed heritage two-spirited person. Two-Spirited means a person with both male and female spirit. We see her speaking at the Black Lives matter protests and talking about how she expresses herself, her identity and her world view through her music. She talks about who inspires her and we also here people that she inspires. This inspirational film produced by Mel D’Souza weaves the art of story telling inspires people to explore their own identity and meaning.
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